Browsers are the most inefficient products.

It's 2021, and software has eaten the worldTM.
As a knowledge worker, you are spoilt for choices. There are tonnes of great products to get your work done. For every great product, there are even greater alternatives.

But when was the last time you chose your browser?

On average, a knowledge worker spends 2.7 hours every day on their browser. There are billion-plus knowledge workers in the world. Yet only one browser to serve them all.

In this day & age, where productivity allows you to be creative & achieve greatness, you are only as productive as your weakest product.

We believe there's a better way.

We are excited to bring you Superboard — the most productive browser ever made. Superboard is built for modern knowledge workers. Especially those who do most of their work in the browser.

Superboard is not just another browser. We have meticulously crafted the browser experience from the ground up to make sure your browser becomes an extension of your brain.

Let your imagination run wild!